LSCV : Linux System Call Visualization

Experiment trying to visualize application activity (system calls) on Linux, in real-time.

LSCV in action : HTTP requests syscalls on a Apache and Nginx server

LSCV in action : HTTP requests syscalls on a Apache and Nginx server


Getting started

LSCV consist of a server module for collecting the data (using Sysdig ) and sending it (via Redis publish-subscribe) to a Processing client application that display it.

To get started with LSCV : first install the server module on the Linux system you wish to instrument (or create a Ubuntu virtual machine using the Vagrant script provided), then on another machine you can download the client app .jar and launch it.

All the source code and the installation instructions are on Github :

The server module :

The client application :

The project doc (in french) :


Project created for the course GTI792 at l'École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS) by Francis Bonneau under the supervision of Michael J. McGuffin, Ph.D.